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Speak Hebrew!

How many of you are still struggling with Hebrew? How many of you went to "ulpan", but nothing happened, you still can't speak Hebrew? I'm sure that more than one or two persons will answer - "yes".

Our language school "LaoMao" offers you a completely different way of studying Hebrew.

We will help you to start speaking Hebrew! It will happen much sooner than you expected! Already after the first several lessons, you will be able to make a short conversation in Hebrew. We teach REAL Hebrew for life!

Small groups

  • English speaking teachers

  • Experienced teachers

  • The Results are already after the first lessons

Don’t waste your time, join our school now and start speaking Hebrew by the end of this Summer!

Join our first lesson, and pay for the course only if you liked our way!

Хотите учиться у нас?

Тогда звоните нам прямо сейчас  052-5616233

Или оставьте заявку и мы свяжемся с вами!

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